

Everyone in hell is re-reading Watchmen (yes, "again"); first appearance of Dr. Jacobson, Watchvark and OHIP; Watching Men; deconstructing Rorschach. Also reprints online strips from September-October 2016 including the conclusion of Aardvark-Vanaheim Civil War: Cerebus vs. The Renegade Super-Poets; Todd McFarlane's Grey Hulk; Super-Cerebus and Batvark Team-Up; photoshop Village People tribute bands (C! M! Y! K!); Tex Avery Film Festival; True History of The Graphic Novel session 16; Teena Teen Queen;  Third Circle of Hell Memorial Day Rodeo; Senator Cerebus; more Nietzsche; Dante's Botox injection; FONDOO!; re-imagining The Lizard and more!
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Per Issue Price: 4
Est. Availability Date: 1/31/2018
Our price: N/A