Red Sonja VOL 3

Red Sonja VOL 3

Red Sonja VOL 3
Through the plains of Hyrkania, a message sweeps through the scattered peoples of the nation. Bells ring, horns blow, voices shout - the King is dying! Red Sonja rides to save the King from his doom as the powers of Hyboria crowd around to strike when the kingdom is weakest. But a dread new power rises from within Hyrkania's own borders, bent on defending its homeland - no matter the cost, no matter what its people become. A defining chapter of the Red Sonja saga - dark, clever, vicious, and funny - as the She-Devil with a Sword must stop the rise of a brutal new regime... her own people!
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Per Issue Price: 3.99
Est. Availability Date: 02/10/2016
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