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Charlotte, NC Pokemon Cards and Tournaments


Learn to play Pokemon at Spandex City Comics in Charlotte, NC!  We offer Pokemon Trading Card Game lessons (during our Pokemon League sessions), and we have organized play for kids as well. We are also a Pokemon Go stop!

You will also receive an official Pokemon Player ID card in our Pokemon Leagues (you must enter a League to receive an ID) and earn exclusive limited-edition cards for your participation. We carry a wide variety of Pokemon products, including booster packs, collector's tins, pre-constructed decks, and graphic novels.  The items on the website are just a sampling!

Spandex City is also Charlotte's only location for exclusive Premier Level League Challenge Tournaments! Check our store calendar for upcoming dates!

Pokemon Trading Card Game League:
Come on out on THURSDAYS from 6:00-7:30 pm and SATURDAYS from 1:00-2:30 pm to have fun and make friends at Pokemon League.The Pokemon League fee is just $5.00, and each player will receive a Pokemon booster pack for participating. (In order to give players a chance to play as many games as possible each session, during Pokemon League we reduce the number of prize cards from six to four.)


Sort by: SKU Product Price
Pokemon TCG League Play Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Surging Sparks Prerelease (10/26-11/3/2024) - Charlotte, NC Pokemon League Challenge - 1/25/2025 @3:00 pm (2025 Season - Standard Format)
Pokemon TCG League Play
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Surging Sparks Prerelease (10/26-11/3/2024) - Charlotte, NC
Pokemon League Challenge - 1/25/2025 @3:00 pm (2025 Season - Standard Format)
Our price: $6.00
Our price: $30.99
Our price: $15.00