Higher Earth

Higher Earth

Higher Earth
You Are Illegal On This Earth. Space is dead. Why conquer other planets when there's a perfectly good Earth in the universe next door? Heidi, a girl born in garbage. Rex, a soldier gone rogue. The only thing between them and their destiny is an empire of a hundred different Earths, across a hundred alternate timelines. One majestic planet dominates them all: Higher Earth. Created and written by Sam Humphries (Fanboys Vs. Zombies) Higher Earth is his sci-fi follow up to last year's indie hit Our Love Is Real, a fast-paced epic of infinite possibilities. And don't miss the first of four extremely rare retailer incentive variants by legendary artist Michael Golden, offered with a CGC 9.8 Near Mint grade!
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Per Issue Price: 1
Est. Availability Date: 5/30/12
Our price: N/A
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