Haunted City

Haunted City

Haunted City
In the corners of our minds, we find ourselves asking...who protects us from the unknown?   Detective Tom Whalen is a 'lifer' on the force, as well as a veteran of the decrepit streets of New York City...along with all the freaks that come with it. Yet, the city might not be anything close to what he thinks it is, in fact-it might just be far worse than he ever imagined! Journey through the supernatural origin and expansion of America's most famous metropolis, New York City, in this introductory HAUNTED CITY zero issue that will uncover those which dwells in the shadows of the paranormal, and also reveals why Detective Whalen may not be able to survive the city he's spent his entire life protecting.
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Per Issue Price: 2.5
Est. Availability Date: 7/6/2011
Our price: N/A
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